Sunday, October 27, 2013

How you like me now?

So... um... yeah - well, you fire me in the middle of 2010, after some pretty shrewd decision making I might add in getting rid of Randy Moss after sending a third round pick to that horrible negotiator Bill Belichick - and I think the fact that the team basically sucked the next 3 years is a pretty good indication that I am awesome.

Seriously - Leslie Fricken Frazier?  Who hired that guy?  Oh wait, yeah, that was me.  But I would never have drafted Christian Ponder - Blaine Gabbert was my guy all the way.  And we would have kept T-Jack too - that guy was awesome.

So this season - the vikings are following my plan perfectly.  I couldn't have scripted it any better - except for the part where we score so many points.  It's just unacceptable.  We need to bring back T-Jack; I think that's clear.


Oh - and Eric Sugarman looks like Paul Schaeffer's Penis.

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