Monday, October 11, 2010

Brett Favre's Penis

Let's address what everyone's been talking about - that is definitely Brett Favre's penis. I have seen that thing thousands of times between watching Brett get ready for games, watching him shower after games, watching him urinate, or watching him through the telescope I set up in that fake deer stand I built to keep an eye on him in Mississippi. Sometimes when I fall asleep, I dream about it - like this one dream, I was shopping at Target - you know, minding my own business. I saw Brett Favre's penis there - it was shopping for pre-paid cell phones. It looked like it couldn't decide between the Virgin Mobile or Boost Mobile options. It saw me and we made eye contact, and it started smiling...when suddenly, I realize I'm completely NAKED, and Brett Favre's penis wasn't smiling at me -- it was laughing hysterically... Pointing and laughing... It took a long time before I got the strength to talk to it again after that.

Where was I going with this - OH, yeah - so that's definitely his penis.

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